A visit to Kerala is never complete without a peek into the deep forests the State can still be proud off. Waiting nearly two hours to get permission to drive through the Illithod Mahagony Forest was forgotten once our vehicle entered this near pristine forest. Till recently, we were told, the access to the forest was unrestricted and the area was a favourite with plastic throwing tourists. The State forest department stepped in and went a step further. They managed a court stay on the Aquaduct which was being constructed on the banks, parallel to the River Periyar. The completeion of this canal would have meant no access for the animals to the river. For now the animals are happy!

candle flowers grow wild on the roadside

entrance to the mahagony forest

canopy of mahagony leaves

an enveloping tree trunk

Periyar River (300km long) flows through the dense forest floor.

strangler figs abound (thanks to abundant bird life)

the mahagony survives and grows, unstrangled!